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Now that the Season has ended - private/public debate

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Now that the Season has ended - private/public debate Empty Now that the Season has ended - private/public debate

Post by OldTitan Sun Nov 27, 2022 10:40 pm

First, I am a public school guy.

Much is going to be made of the championships this year where parochial school won 6 out of the 8 trophies.

Many are going to call for drastic measures, but history has shown no big changes are needed for the system.

Consider, 2021 6 out of 8 classes won by publics.
2020 No playoffs
2019 6 out of 8 classes won by publics.

The IHSA did make a mistake - they counted the Covid year as counting for the success factor when no one was in the playoffs.

Example: Nazareth Academy the 5A champs who barely scraped by Peoria won 7a in 2018 and lost to Mt. Carmel in the championship in 2019.

I could go on, but the point is I think we have a system that mostly works as intended if the IHSA makes rulings in the spirit of the rules.

Finally, it is not just Catholic private schools that make the championships, seemingly year after year, there are plenty of public schools that do the same.
Rochester, Lena-Winslow, Maroa-Forsyth, Tri-Valley, Lincoln-Way East, etc.

Good leagues with good coaches are going to produce champions.

Let's not change too much.

Dr. Douche

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Now that the Season has ended - private/public debate Empty Re: Now that the Season has ended - private/public debate

Post by tincup1215 Mon Nov 28, 2022 1:24 pm

Perfectly said. IHSA definitely screwed up counting the Covid year for success factor. I agree, I like the current system. It pisses both privates and publics off, which means it's a good compromise.
King Fool
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Now that the Season has ended - private/public debate Empty Re: Now that the Season has ended - private/public debate

Post by Teetime Mon Nov 28, 2022 6:16 pm

I also think counting the Covid year as zero wins for the Private schools was a big mistake.

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Now that the Season has ended - private/public debate Empty Re: Now that the Season has ended - private/public debate

Post by Doctor D Mon Nov 28, 2022 9:21 pm

I agree that generally the multiplier/waiver deal works ok, and also agree that it was a mistake to include the Covid year into consideration.
Doctor D
Doctor D

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Now that the Season has ended - private/public debate Empty Re: Now that the Season has ended - private/public debate

Post by ramblinman Wed Dec 07, 2022 12:58 pm

Ten days since a new thread was posted about the public/private debate, and only a handful of posts so far.  Guess we aren't in Kansas anymore, Toto.

"Consider, 2021 6 out of 8 classes won by publics.
2020 No playoffs
2019 6 out of 8 classes won by publics."

2018:  privates and publics win 4 classes each, 3 of those four private school victories were guaranteed to have a private winner because the final was private vs private.  7 of 16 finalists from private schools.
2017: 7 of 8 classes won by publics.  Three private school finalists all in separate classes.
2016: see 2017 for the exact same result
2015:  privates and publics win 4 classes each.  8A a guaranteed private winner with private vs private

I post the above info to provide a little deeper historical dive into the stats offered by OldTitan.  I agree with his premise to leave things as is.  These things have a way of evening out over the years.  

Anyway, the point I want to make is that I believe what causes many public school apologists to get their knickers in a twist isn't titles at all.  Titles are used as easy data points to reference in the argument because of private schools winning more of their "fair share" of them (as if titles are something to be shared, not earned).  What frosts their asses the most is being knocked out the playoffs by private schools, followed closely by losing in the regular season to private schools that keeps them from qualifying.  All they know is that their schools have their seasons end at the hands of private schools, and it sticks in their craw. In looking for reasons/explanations for their own schools' failure to advance in the playoffs or qualify for them, private schools are easy scapegoats because they are different from public schools in terms of how they fill their classrooms.  Rather than look inward at what shortcomings they might have and correct them, they elect to search for and blame the scapegoat.

To some degree, many of these public school apologists have convinced themselves that their schools CAN'T be successful in the playoffs as long as they have to compete with private schools.  They feel this way despite decades of evidence to the contrary of success by some public schools over private schools (see ESL, Maine South, Wheaton South, Rochester, Lena-Winslow, Geneseo, etc.) proving that it CAN be done. Rather than devote the effort and resources to become more competitive, as a number of public schools have done, they prefer to take the easier way out and leverage their numbers in an attempt to legislate their way toward regularizing their mediocrity.  Like OldTitan, I urge restraint in this regard.

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